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Embody the fullness of Christ
through the creative arts.


Interwoven is an expressive prayer practice that invites you on a spiritual journey into the sacredness of your own body and your embodied union with Christ.  Just as it is beautifully expressed in Galatians 2:20, “It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me”.  With the words of this scripture as beautiful prompt, you will be gently lead to explore this sacred  union through:


expressive movement

breath awareness


guided meditation


art expression.


On the day of your baptism you were marked with the sign of the cross OUTSIDE of your body and now you will be invited to receive the stability and strength of the cross deep INSIDE your body.  Sensing the cross in this new way, serves as a channel for the continuous flow of God’s love, mercy and grace into the body and thereby strengthens your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. As you practice allowing God’s presence to “flow in”, in this embodied manner, you become more available to be a channel in which God’s love can “flow out” into the world.


Through this creative process of self-discovery, both individual reflection and group sharing will be encouraged in a warm and supportive environment. By centralizing the body in your faith practice you will discover a new mode of living in your body and develop an expanded sense of yourself through this embodied Christ identity.        


Awaken to healthy spiritual embodiment!

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